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Introducing next generation ambulatory pharmacy to health systems

Becker's Hospital Review

When patients transition from the hospital to an outpatient setting, medication discrepancies can occur. In fact, research conducted by the Mayo Clinic indicates that 50% of patients nationwide don’t take medications as prescribed, and it’s estimated that non-adherence is responsible for 11% of hospital readmissions across the country. Further, medication mismanagement creates an estimated 1.5 million adverse events each year and $177 billion in avoidable costs. With specialty drug spending rising nearly 60% over the past five years – and reimbursement being more closely tied to outcomes versus a fee for service model – it’s increasingly important for health systems to address the critical role ambulatory pharmacies can play in supporting transitional care and improving the patient journey.

For the full article, visit Becker's Hospital Review

For more information on why a targeted medication program and robust data analytics are key to care continuity, please check out ABC Insights' article, "Ambulatory Pharmacyas the Hub of Transitional Care."