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Join the Global Market Access Network

Are you a key opinion leader in your field?

Our advisors are experts in health economics and outcomes research who also offer the experience, insights, and relationships in local markets to help manufacturers navigate the formal documentation and evidentiary demands — as well as the softer aspects of complex submission processes. As a participating advisor, your insights and strategic collaboration will help manufacturers accelerate market access so more patients benefit from new and innovative therapies.

Global Market Access Network advisors are:

  • Prior employees of government Health Technology Assessment (HTA) agencies and current advisors to HTA agencies and payers 
  • Current members of private health plan P&T committees
  • Academics who are involved in product appraisals
  • Key opinion leaders who are well published in health economics research within their respective countries

Advisors participate in compliant market research and/or consultative engagements including:

  • Ongoing consultation on economic models, data analyses, pricing, evidentiary requirements, and clinical trial design 
  • In-depth interviews
  • Advisory boards
  • Focus groups
  • Web surveys

Share your insights and collaborate with manufacturers

Learn about the health landscapes of other countries while participating in a dynamic, peer-driven forum.