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Manufacturer Solutions

Targeted Promotions Through Multichannel Programs

Tailored messages that integrate into providers' existing workflow so your communication stands out and gets recognized
Connecting your brand message with the healthcare providers

Trusted partnerships that drive health forward

AmerisourceBergen’s highly targeted marketing programs reach the right audience to maximize product performance and market success. Tailored messages integrate seamlessly into providers’ workflows where they are engaged and ready to act. Multi-channel vehicles deliver your brand, OTC and consumer healthcare, and generics material across all classes of trade.

Promote your brand and specialty products through CustomConnect®

Help pharmacists raise awareness of your products and seamlessly integrate your brand message into customers' workflows so your communication stands out and gets recognized.
A pharmacy technician referencing data on a tablet and restocking a pharmacy's front-end shelves accordingly

Promote your OTC and consumer healthcare products through CustomConnect®

A pharmacy technician referencing data on a tablet and restocking a pharmacy's front-end shelves accordingly
Leverage our expertise and unique access to customers and connect your brand message with relevant healthcare decision makers.
A pharmacy technician referencing data on a tablet and restocking a pharmacy's front-end shelves accordingly
Generic pharmaceutical supply chain

Promote your global generic products through CustomConnect®

Generic pharmaceutical supply chain
Our programs connect your messages with the healthcare providers who influence your item's performance. 
Generic pharmaceutical supply chain

Additional Insights

Connecting your brand message with the healthcare providers


Case studies: Maximize your brand's visibility

July 2024

stack of blue shopping baskets


eBook: The evolution of the OTC market

May 2021



Ebook: Virtual drug commercialization

November 2020

Ready to get started?

Your product deserves a partner with the combination of proven solutions, diverse perspectives and unmatched scale to get therapies to the smallest, or largest, patient populations.