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Recommended Reading

Opinion: The Truth About ARCOS and the Opioid Epidemic

Drug Topics

Opioid cases aren't just about 'pills per person' 

The Washington Examiner

Breaking Down 76 Billion Opioid Pills

Inside Sources

Dollars in the Water: The Bureaucratic Morass of a Trial Lawyer Feeding Frenzy

Morning Consult

Amerisource CEO Doubts Amazon will be a "Significant Force" in Drug Industry

Fortune Magazine

The Reality of the Opioid Epidemic

Healthcare Distribution Alliance

A Crisis of Misinformation

Healthcare Distribution Alliance

HDA Statement on 60 Minutes/Washington Post Coverage on Distributors, Opioid Coverage

Healthcare Distribution Alliance

The Rest of the Story: Facts about Pharmaceutical Distributors and the Opioid Crisis

Healthcare Distribution Alliance

The DEA's Role in Overseeing the Supply Chain 

Healthcare Distribution Alliance

Hospitals that sue distributors optimize trail lawyer blame game of opioid crisis

Morning Consult

A drug distributor flagged a pharmacy's suspicious opioid orders. A federal court says it has to keep shipping the pills


Don't Blame Distributors for the Opioid Crisis(Letter to the Editor)

The New York Times

The Media are Getting the Opioid Crisis All Wrong

The Washington Examiner

Drug Companies and the Opioid Crisis

The Washington Post

Orrin Hatch: Drop the conspiracy theories. Congress didn't hobble the DEA

The Washington Post

Big (and Hurting) Media on Drugs

Wall Street Journal

A Bipartisan Drug Cartel? Here's the Rest of the Story About that Opioid Non-Scandal

Wall street journal