Pharmacy Solutions
Enterprise Strategy
Optimize your supply chain and procurement practices
Employee mail order and centralized fulfillment
Mail order pharmacy programs represent a significant opportunity for health system pharmacies and are a major convenience for employees and their families. We can assist in setting up a comprehensive in-sourced service that reduces system expenditures while providing immense value. Additionally, health systems can leverage the mail order staff and existing technology to provide refill and central-fill support to system-owned ambulatory pharmacies that are near capacity.
Unit dose optimization and repackaging
We evaluate system-wide formularies to optimize savings through unit dose product standardization or understanding the "make or buy" sourcing decisions to determine if any product should be packaged centrally and distributed through the system.
High-value drug management
High-value drugs can be significant drivers of cost while also being major areas of growth. To balance this, we'll evaluate opportunities to centralize through innovative models such as virtual consolidation that help minimize unnecessary and costly levels of drug inventories throughout the system.
Alternate site replenishment
We identify opportunities to implement a hub-an-spoke replenishment model for alternate sites – such as clinics and infusion centers – through a consolidated, low-unit-of-measure replenishment model to optimize contract compliance, inventory on hand, and logistics.
Inventory management optimization
By assessing all systems and processes, we'll help identify opportunities to streamline the development and maintenance of PAR levels, and optimize the ordering process.
Procurement optimization and buyer controls
To ensure your purchasing practices are efficient as possible, we'll perform site-specific assessments to uncover best practices, contract opportunities, and programs that will help optimize sourcing, standardize contract compliance and product selection. Our real-time purchasing decisions support processes and product selection tools are designed to help your pharmacy achieve its performance targets.